Craig Jacoby

20th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
What I do:
I counsel startups and their investors across a number of different industries – internet and digital media, consumer products, clean technologies, software, medical devices and business services. In addition to working with clients on formation and ensuring they find funding and complete their financings and acquisitions, I help with employment, options, licensing and just about everything else, including occasionally functioning as coach or therapist.
Why Cooley?
It’s the firm’s breadth and focus. Just about everyone at Cooley – from corporate attorneys to those deeply knowledgeable about antitrust, debt, real estate, trademarks or litigation – works with startups every day in some way and really understands the opportunities and constraints that most startups face, so our advice is practical and business-focused. And my colleagues are some of the best, smartest and most dedicated people I know.
Some of my clients:
My clients include Yelp, Patreon, New Relic, AllTrails, Ethic, CyberCube and MycoMedica.
I root for:
I’m a fan of the Philadelphia Phillies (baseball) and gli Azzurri (Italian football).
Great reads:
I recommend “Infinite Jest” by David Foster Wallace and “Tenth of December” by George Saunders.