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Portrait of Sacha Ross

What I do:
I give high-growth companies strategic, business-oriented, pragmatic advice to solve legal and business problems from incorporation to exit and beyond. I take a hands-on approach to helping leaders, management and boards navigate the opportunities and challenges these high-growth businesses inevitably face.

What my clients value:
Responsive, pragmatic, efficient and pro-active advice, together with the judgement and ability to navigate tricky situations, and the experience and skills to effectively negotiate on their behalf.

Why Cooley?
A collaborative team of passionate and dedicated advisors who care about their clients and understand the unique challenges of counseling high-growth businesses to give each client the best team for that client for each challenge or opportunity.

I root for:
New York Giants and whatever team my kids are on (currently the Spartans)

Great reads:
The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay; The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss; Getting Things Done by David Allen

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