Jamin Agosti
20th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-4004
What I do:
I provide practical, actionable guidance for the legal and business problems faced by my hyper-growth clients. From pre-idea companies who are still choosing a name to “eve of IPO” clients who have built-out legal teams, we’ve seen it all and are here to help.
Why Cooley:
I became an attorney because I wanted to dive head-first into the startup industry and help founders invent the future. Cooley has spent decades building the best legal platform to make this possible and I get to leverage that platform for my company clients every day.
What my clients value:
Legal advice that cuts through the noise.
Getting out on bikes, from mountain biking Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula to road riding the streets of San Francisco and the hills of Marin. When I’m not riding, I’m usually scheming up other ways to get out into the wilderness.