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Portrait of Ann Bevitt

What I do:
I help clients to get the most out of their two most valuable assets – their employees and their data. As an employment lawyer, I help companies and senior executives on all aspects of the employment relationship. On the data protection/privacy side, I work with companies trying to comply with all of the many privacy laws worldwide. I help them develop strategies for managing their data that enable them to meet both their business objectives and legal obligations.

Why Cooley:
It’s a very exciting opportunity to be in at the beginning of a new overseas office and being able to leverage Cooley’s excellent reputation by building out a stellar practice in London.

What my clients value:
I aim to provide clients with practical, real-world solutions to complex problems. I like to partner with clients and build long-term, enriching relationships.

I love walking in the countryside with my family and dogs – nature is a great de-stresser and antidote to the pressures of work.

Great reads:
I love cleverly constructed fiction, such as Iain Pears’ An Instance of the Fingerpost. For non-fiction, I’m very interested in how people make decisions and recently enjoyed Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, and Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.

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