Public Company

A public company is a company with public ownership and has shares that trade on a public exchange market. Because it is public it is required to meet the Securities and Exchange Commission’s strict filing requirements for public companies.

Private Company Tender Offers Blog Post

As discussed in this Cooley Go article on secondary sale transactions of private company stock, a tender offer is one of the ways in which companies can provide liquidity to…

FAQ: Delaware Public Benefit Corporations Blog Post

A Delaware public benefit corporation (PBC) is a for-profit corporation intended to produce a public benefit and operate in a responsible and sustainable manner. A PBC must be managed in a way that balances the interests of the stockholders, the company’s key stakeholders, and a specific public benefit that the company commits to in its charter.

Public Offering

A public offering is a sale or equity shares or debt shares by an organization to the public in order to raise funds for the company.

Secondary Sales of Private Company Stock Blog Post

Historically, private company stockholders would be expected to wait until the company went public or was acquired to receive any return on their investment. Over the last several years, however,…

The Direct Listing Craze Blog Post

Since 2019, we have witnessed the rise of the Direct Listing. Though they are not exactly new structures, following the heavily-publicized Direct Listings of tech giants Spotify and Slack, they…

How to Handle Changes on Your Board of Directors Blog Post

Departing Directors Board members tend to stay with companies for a relatively long time, but, like employees, sometimes it makes sense for a board member to leave.  Here is what I…