Foreign Corporation

A corporation formed under the laws of another country or another state is a “foreign” corporation to all other states.


An “S election” is the process by which a company designates itself as an S Corporation. S Corporations generally do not pay federal income tax but pass the tax liability for their profits through to their stockholders.

Dissolving a Delaware Corporation Blog Post

An earlier version of this post originally appeared on Bob’s blog In The (Red)® – The Business Bankruptcy Blog An Overview Of The Formal Corporate Wind Down If a corporation’s…

How to Choose Your Corporate Name Blog Post

You’ve done it.  After brainstorming for hours, furiously using Google to search for synonyms or words that rhyme, and running names by friends and family, you’ve finally found the perfect...

Pass-Through Taxation

Pass-through (or “flow thru”) taxation exists when owners of applicable types of business entities pay taxes on the business profits in their personal tax return forms.

Where Should You Incorporate? Blog Post

Like many entrepreneurs and small business owners, you probably want to run a successful business while protecting your assets, limiting liability, and avoiding unnecessary tax and legal fees. To succeed...

Establishing the Ownership Culture: Stock vs Options Blog Post

Most startups offer equity participation in their company to people providing services to the company, whether as employees, consultants, advisors or otherwise (which we will call “service providers” in this…